Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Guess I'll Share My Feelings. It's My Damn Blog.

Sooooo... Bill broke my heart this morning by getting on me about something he's upset about. It's always amazing to me that I can go from "happy/content" to "pond scum" in about 60 seconds with him. We're trying to work on this... but it's hard. He sometimes hurts my feelings because he is so very logical, which can be great and irritating all at the same time.

I wish I was a "logical". These "logicals" they walk around and they are always looking at things for function and purpose. As opposed to us "emotionals". We are walking around looking at things for "feeling" and "intensity". The logicals do not understand how decision making can be made off of needs for validation or comfort. If it doesn't have a systematic plan or fulfill a goal... why then you just move on and keep working the puzzle. All the pieces must be shaped like your traditional tongues and grooves and they will fit together eventually and make a nice rectangular picture.

Sometimes I like my crazy puzzle that has circular and trapezoid shaped pieces that somehow fit together and has no definite finished shape. Other times I wish I could just be working on a nice rectangular ending.

Certainly, though, I just wish I had more of this logic super power. And a better protective coating on my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I love you just the way you are. Don't ever feel like your crazy circular no edge puzzle ways are a negative, it's such a wonderful positive. It makes you who you are and who you are is wonderful and loving.


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